Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Connecting to the Internet/Wifi in HKUST's Dorms

When you arrive at your HKUST dorm, you should have a sheet of instructions taped or pinned to a desk bulletin board guiding you through the internet connecting process.

 If you're anything like me, you'll probably struggle to connect to the Wifi and perhaps you'll slowly start to realize one of the following:

  • You've moved into your dorm early and won't be able to ask advisor about the Internet until orientation, a few days before school starts. 
  • You've gone on to asking random staff members around your hall for help, but for some reason you can't get a straight answer out of them.
  • Your plan to mingle with locals suddenly seems far too intimidating and better left for another day when you're much less vulnerable.
  • You might be technologically challenged.
  • You've read the instructions ten times and each time you've asked yourself, "What the heck is an ITSC account?!"
Fear no more! Here's what you have to do to: 
  1. Activate your HKUST ITSC account.
    • Either go online to the ITSC Activation Website
    • OR go to an "Express Station" and click the button for "Enquiry for Student A/C'
    • Enter your HKUST student ID number and your HK ID or your birth date
    • Click submit
    • You'll be asked to create a new password for your ITSC account, but you can also just stick with the default. 
  2. Follow the instructions posted on the bulletin board in your room, or, read them online here.
  3. Sign into sMobileNet with your new ITSC info
    • Your ITSC user should be the first part of your assigned HKUST email address
    • For example: johndoe@stu.ust.edu
      • Here, johndoe would be your ITSC username and your ITSC password would be whatever you created it to be. 
  4. Congratulations! You should now be connected to the Internet!

Connecting via Ethernet:

For more help, you can contact:
 Student Consultation
 Barn B (Rm 1101),
 Academic Concourse

 Staff Consultation
 Service Desk,
 Rm 2012, Lift 2 
 2358 6200

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