Sunday, August 5, 2012


Hello everyone! I'm a 4th year student from northern California majoring in Global economics and minoring in East Asian Studies. I'll be studying abroad at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) this coming year (2012-2013) in the School of Business and Management.

My goal is to make this blog a resource for the people who decide to study abroad at HKUST in the future. Hopefully it'll make your study abroad experience at HKUST a little easier.

[Update] I have now finished my exchange program at HKUST. Having experienced all the lows and highs the school has to offer, I reflect back on my experience humbled and grateful for the opportunity. HKUST's smaller population size of students allowed me to foster intimate relationships amongst other exchange students, international students, and locals within the span of just one year. Despite the academic rigor of the school, my travels and friendships were standout experiences that left me with very positive memories of HKUST and Hong Kong.

Thanks for reading! =)


Study Abroad said...

Great writing view!!

We appreciate with your blog post and like it. Keep up sharing..


KCP said...

Thank you for reading!!