Friday, November 16, 2012

Campus McDonald's: Spicy McPepper

A Hong Kong McDonalds specialty! The Spicy McPepper burger isn't half bad. You can taste hints of black pepper, but I wouldn't say it's spicy at all. In fact, the "spiciness" barely registered on my tongue.

For an extra $2.50 HKD you can upgrade your fries to something called "Shaker Fries". These are SERIOUSLY awesome. They give you a packet of powder flavoring, you dump your fries in a paper bag, dump in the flavor powder, shake, and you get magic! If you don't try anything from McDonald's, I would recommend you try the shaker fries at least once because last time I checked, you can't find this in America! 

Final Verdict:
Spicy McPepper: Yay
Shaker Fries: Yay

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