Friday, November 16, 2012

Instant Noodles/Ramen

Students at HKUST love their instant noodles. I'll be updating this post with flash reviews on the different types of cup noodles as I try them. Cheers to hot soup and yummy noodles!

Nissin Tonkatsu Flavor

This might be my favorite cup noodle that I've tried so far. It's deliciously pork flavored and very hard to put down. I highly recommend it! 

Oriental Kitchen Hot and Spicy Flavor

Be careful with this one. It's quite good but I found this to be EXTREMELY EXTREMELY spicy. I think half a packet of the flavoring powder would have sufficed. I also liked that the noodles were thicker in texture, however I would still let the noodles soak in the hot water longer than usual because the thickness makes for a slower cooking time. 

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